Nowadays, many people have a very busy lifestyle. Maybe you have a work in a company, a house to clean and kids to care for. Or maybe you travel too much due to your job. Doesn’t matter why, it’s very likely you don’t have a proper nutrition in your daily routine. If it’s happening in your life, this article is perfect for you.
If you like to eat some dessert after lunch, remind many desserts are rich in sugar, contributing to increase your weight. So, you should avoid deserts like ice cream or candies. Instead, it’s better to eat some fruits – they have a sweet taste but their sugar is healthier than that one found in candies.
Another good thing to change in your menu is adding more vegetables. Vegetables contain good cholesterol (HDL), responsible for reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and preventing heart diseases. Of course, your health won’t change immediately when starting to eat more vegetables, but you’ll realize some improvement gradually.
One of best animal sources is fish. Fishes contain omega 3 and omega 6, important nutrients for our mental development. It helps to reduce bad cholesterol too. So, include more fish in your lunch time and less red meats.
Due to very busy routine, some people skip your breakfast – or they take only a cup of milk, for instance. It isn’t a good decision, because breakfast is most important meal. It’s better wake up some minutes earlier and prepare a healthy breakfast. It’ll give you more energy and become you more productive.
And final suggestion is avoiding soft drinks. I know, everyone says it, but it’s good to repeat it some times. One glass of soda contain more sugar than you should consume in a whole day! Thus, imagine what happen with your body when you take two or more glasses. If you didn’t realize until now, maybe that inoffensive glass of soda is responsible for your weight gain.
Changing bad habits and good ones slowly can bring great and positive impact to your health. Don’t wait for a disease or excessive weight to start to worry with your nutrition. Even if you have a busy routine, you can improve your life.